Author: Kythera of Anevern
The [Hairy] Elephant in the Room
“No, don’t look at her!” “Uh, too late…” You’d be surprised at the things whispered behind your back when people think you can’t hear them. We tend to assume that this sort of thing is the stuff of immaturity, only lasting through the torturous years of junior high and high school. But that’s not always…
LA Pride 2013
This was my second year attending LA Pride (third watching the parade), and it was great fun! I only caught a portion of the parade, and that’s where I spent all of my picture-taking energy. It was, however, my first year attending the Dyke March on the Friday before the Pride festival proper. To be…
“I’ll Make a [Wo]Man Out of You”
However, transgender and gender-nonconforming youth are largely ignored in mainstream media. Where is the message for these young people? It’s nearly nonexistent. There is, quite literally, next to no mention of gender-variant youth in popular culture, nothing for them in magazines, books, TV (OK, maybe TV — but then one would have to consider whether…
E3 is Imminent
E3. The proverbial Mecca of the gaming industry, as a friend of mine put it several years ago. I simultaneously look forward to and dread this event. On the one hand, it was one of my first events when I started working in the gaming industry. On the other hand, it still seems less like…
LGBT, Gaming, and Kickstarter
I’m proud to have backed both GaymerX (formerly GaymerCon) and Gaming in Color. And I’m thrilled that both projects were funded (GaymerX spectacularly so). Both of these events are quite relevant to my interests, being a gay, genderqueer female who has been working in the game industry for almost ten years. GaymerX has gotten a…
Gruntings and Musings
So I’ve decided to attach a blog to my website. I have three goals for this: Use this blog to replace the “News” portion of my site Share some of my more thinky rambles regarding geeky and nerdy culture, LGBT and gender issues, SCA, and other things that are either too long for Facebook, or…